Dr. Nate, Dr. Bailee, and Dr. Sarah are certified in Webster’s Technique, which allows for proper biomechanics of the pelvis and sacrum, creating a birth process that is easy on mom and baby. Dr. Larry Webster, the founder of the technique, reported that when a mother sought care and her baby was in a breech or transverse position, the restoration of pelvic neuro-biomechanics with this adjustment frequently facilitated optimal fetal positioning.
Prenatal Chiropractor in Sioux Falls
Why chiropractic care during pregnancy?
Chiropractic has the ability to release any interference between the nervous system and the rest of the body. When it comes to infertility, chiropractic can remove the cause of the issue and restore your body to its naturally functioning state. There are three stages in which you want to have an optimally working nervous system. They are:
Chiropractic care can help to promote more regular menstrual cycles and restore proper uterine function.
This will increase Mom’s balance, alignment and flexibility—three plus’s while carrying. In addition, patients who use chiropractic during pregnancy report less low back discomfort and less morning sickness, which is good for Mom, Baby, and Dad!
Mothers who receive chiropractic care throughout their whole pregnancy report less traumatic births and far easier and shorter deliveries. They, also, report well-time contractions, which help the baby move more easily through the birth canal.
Leading Pregnancy Chiropractor in Sioux Falls, SD
Ready to get Started?
Pregnancy Chiropractic is safe and effective to help alleviate back pain during pregnancy. Check out a few of our prenatal testimonials below.
Danyel – I love telling others about my amazing experience coming to Highest Health Chiropractic!
Early in her pregnancy, Danyel began to have severe low back pain. After seeing her regular physician and being told the only thing that would help was prescription pain medication, she tried physical therapy but still saw no results.
Since starting specific chiropractic care, she no longer suffers from back pain; her pain was gone even when she was 9 months pregnant! Danyel has followed her recommended corrective care plan and continues to see results. With chiropractic care, she was able to stop taking Tylenol.
Danyel says, “I love telling others about my amazing experience coming to Highest Health Chiropractic!”
Nikki came to the office with infertility. She was unable to get pregnant for two and a half years. When visiting medical doctors, they couldn’t give her an answer as to why she couldn’t get pregnant. During this time, Nikki had many different medical procedures to try to find some answers; she tried shots, surgery, and medications with a fertility clinic. Even then, they had NO IDEA why she was unable to get pregnant.
Nikki was a little skeptical and unsure on how much chiropractic could actually help. After starting care in the office, she ended up getting pregnant the month they tried IVF, Letrezole, and CHIROPRACTIC! Nikki says, “We are extremely thankful for Highest Health. Excited about the benefits not only for me but also for our baby. Before coming to Highest Health, I would have never been comfortable bringing my baby for chiropractic care.”
And now we have her beautiful, healthy, little girl coming to get regular, specific adjustments, too! We love them both and are so excited to serve their wonderful family!