Stimming and Autism: Can Chiropractic Care Help?
Every parent of a child with autism has likely noticed those repetitive movements—whether it’s hand flapping, rocking, or distinctive vocalizations—and wondered what they truly mean. You may have encountered advice to stop these behaviors or been reassured that they’ll eventually fade away. But why does it happen anyway? Can chiropractic care help?
In this article, we take a closer look at lesser-known neurological underpinnings of stimming—a story that many healthcare providers tend to overlook. By uncovering the connection between stimming and sensory tension in the nervous system, you’ll gain fresh insights that could reshape how you support your child, ultimately bringing more comfort and relief to your entire family.
Why Does Stimming Happen?
Stimming is a natural way your child’s body tries to cope with overwhelming stress. When the nervous system is stuck in a state of high alert, repetitive movements can serve as a built-in mechanism for self-soothing.
Rather than being something to simply suppress, these actions are the nervous system’s way of regaining balance during constant stress.
Stimming can arise due to the following neurological factors:
1. Autonomic Nervous System Imbalance
Many children on the autism spectrum experience what’s known as dysautonomia—where the body’s fight-or-flight response is overactive while the calming, rest-and-digest system falls short. This imbalance keeps them in a continuous state of stress and sensory overload, and stimming emerges as a natural attempt to counteract that heightened alertness.
2. Joint Misalignments and Proprioception
Another aspect to consider is subluxation, or slight misalignments in the joints, which can dull the body’s sense of its own position and movement (proprioception). When this feedback loop isn’t working properly, the brain misses out on the soothing signals it needs. Stimming then acts as a way to provide the sensory input that’s lacking, helping the body self-regulate.
3. Sensory Processing Disruptions
Particularly when joint misalignments occur in the upper cervical spine, they can interfere with how sensory information is processed by the brain. This disruption may lead to sensory overload, prompting stimming as a way to create a sense of order amid the chaos. In other words, stimming becomes a creative solution for managing an environment that feels too intense.
4. Vagus Nerve Dysfunction
Acting as a critical regulator of the body’s calming responses, the vagus nerve helps shift us into a relaxed state by promoting “rest and digest” functions. When this nerve is underperforming due to chronic stress or nervous system overload, it can leave your child stuck in a heightened state of alertness—essentially trapped in fight-or-flight mode. This imbalance not only intensifies anxiety but also contributes to the repetitive, self-soothing behaviors seen in stimming.
How Chiropractic Care Can Help
Viewing stimming behaviors through a neurological lens offers an entirely new perspective on supporting children with autism. Instead of treating these repetitive movements as behaviors to be suppressed, pediatric chiropractic approaches recognize them as meaningful indicators that the nervous system is seeking balance. Specialized spinal adjustments, particularly focused on the upper neck region, can potentially remove nerve interference that disrupts sensory processing.
The gentle techniques employed in pediatric chiropractic work directly with the body’s autonomic functions, potentially shifting your child away from the constant stress response and toward a more relaxed physiological state. This rebalancing often reduces the internal tension that drives stimming behaviors, allowing children to achieve calm without needing repetitive movements as frequently. When minor joint misalignments throughout the body are addressed, the brain receives more accurate feedback about position and movement. This improved proprioceptive awareness often means children can better sense their bodies naturally, decreasing their reliance on stimming to create that sensory input.
Certain adjustment approaches also specifically target regions that affect the vagus nerve—the body’s primary calming mechanism. By optimizing the function of this crucial pathway, chiropractic care may enhance your child’s inherent ability to self-regulate emotions and responses to sensory input. Many pediatric chiropractors also offer guidance on complementary sensory activities tailored to your child’s unique needs, further supporting their nervous system’s ability to process information efficiently and comfortably.
Curious to learn more? Your Sioux Falls chiropractor is here to help. At Highest Health Chiropractic, our team can help guide your child toward future success. Keep in mind that stimming serves an important purpose—it’s your child’s creative solution for managing an overwhelmed system. Addressing these foundational nervous system challenges through chiropractic care may help your child discover their own balance and flourish in their unique neurological makeup. Book your appointment with our caring and compassionate team today!